
AERO Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine

We provide 1-on-1 treatment sessions from a Doctor of Physical Therapy every visit.

At AERO PT, your goals are our goals. From cutting edge research to state-of-the-art equipment, we use the very best resources available to maximize each patient’s rehabilitation experience. Whether it is to return to work, walk without pain, or play your favorite sport, we individualize every treatment session so that you can reach your personal objectives.

We analyze your specific static and dynamic movement patterns and employ the best available manual techniques, exercises, and training modalities to correct your musculoskeletal and movement dysfunction. We work hard so that you can reach your maximum potential.



“Excellent therapists, staff, equipment, and muscle stimulator machines. The space is well maintained and incredibly clean.” – Rosalyn

“I AM SO HAPPY I CHOSE AERO! I do not live nearby, but I decided to choose the PT location that I heard the best things about. I came in for knee pain – past volleyball athlete, weight lifter, and previously hospitalized for about a month which caused my legs muscles to atrophy. My knee pain was due to patellofemoral syndrome. I am in my mid-20’s.” – Olive

“I’m impressed with AERO’s utilization of technology to track my progress and communicate with my Doctor. I can even log into their website from home to look at photos and watch videos showing the correct form and number of sets of my customized therapy exercises.” – Brian

Burlingame Location





San Mateo Location




